The Moon- It’s Not Just A Phase

Full moons are not just a phase. The energy and power of the moon draws my curiosity. What is it about about full moons? Are there certain things in nature that you’re just drawn too? It might be the ocean. The heat of the sun and soft sand, the misty woods or the smell of fresh pines. But, there is a reason why I’m on a moon kick lately. Why? Well, I’ve started to pay attention to the moon a bit more because for awhile, I just ignored it.
Call It What You Will
Maybe it’s the whole “Mercury Retrograde” thing, which I don’t think has affected me in the least because, and to be honest, I had no idea what it even was. But, the moon is such a beautiful, natural thing. So, I decided to give it some credit.
The moon kind of gets a bad rap. When some people think of the moon, they suddenly think of witches, doing dances at night naked around a fire to bring evil spirits about, or you know, the occasional werewolf that is about to transform. It used to be your neighbor Joe, but…- cue the werewolf howl.

I’m here to stick up for the moon and give it a positive vibe that it so deserves. Think about it! It’s a big sphere of energy just floating around. Even though it’s reflecting the sun’s glow, by golly I think it’s glowing all on its own. I just think like that.

Make Moon Memories
I remember staring out the frosty car window on a cold winter’s night and seeing that moon glow. Ahhh, that moon would follow us home from my grandparent’s house. It was such a simple time, yet so special. What moon memories do you have?
You can create special moon memories with this sweet picture book if you have little ones in your life. This book is my favorite moon book and it’s by Eric Carle. (Start the waterworks now). The illustrations and what a Papa will do for his child! Be still my moon slice heart.

Moon Tea

Making Moon Tea is a fun tea to make with your kids. It’s also fun to make it no matter what your age. Just set your intentions as you pour your crisp water into a clear pitcher. Use any tea that you enjoy. Place the tea bag into the crisp water. Cover the pitcher. I’ve used plastic wrap, and a glass cover too. Place the tea where the moon light can drench it. Let it steep for as long as the moon shines. You can even place your moon wishes on a piece of paper. Place the paper under your pitcher and let the moon works its magic. Then heat up your tea and sip. Ahhhh…taste the difference?
Moon Journals And Full Moon Intentions

You can use any journal to make a moon journal. I made one using a notebook from the 99 cent bin at the local Wal-Mart. It doesn’t matter how fancy, or not fancy your journal is because you’re using it in the same way and that is to write down your thoughts. I use mine to set my intentions. My intentions are usually “Pie In The Sky” – Really Big and Full Moon Size and if anyone read them they might think I would never reach them and laugh.
Shoot For The Moon
BUT, they’re mine and if you set your intentions and make moves toward reaching those intentions and truly believe in this intentions then you’re going to reach them. It’s so exciting to think about! And if this big ball of dust and glow can exist floating around in the sky, then so can’t I reach my intentions. Wow! Did I pump you up enough, or what? It’s true though. Go for the full moon goals! More on that below.
Full Moon Names

Keep Goal Getting You Goal Getter!
Want to know more about goal setting? Want to create a vision board in the comfort of your yoga pants? Link to my previous post here to get started. No frills, just fun vision boarding.
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Moon Book by Eric Carle
Visit The Moon Journal where you can find carefully curated Moon products.
Visit Moon Body Soul for organic bath and body products. Take that new moon bath! It’s so good for your soul!

Enjoy and May Your Moon Wishes Come True!