Clean and Tidy

The Magic Art of Tidying Up IS kind of, well,…magic-Marie Kondo Method

Oh, it happened! The magic art of Marie’s method exploded on my bed, which I’m not-N O T sharing a picture of my pile of clothes because that is just embarrassing. But…the aftermath was fantastic!

After binge watching her show on Netflix, I said…”It’s time!” And time it was. Marie suggests beginning with clothes. So out came every single piece of clothing I own. I piled it all on our Queen size bed and made the piles. Then I began.

My husband made his own pile. A much smaller pile.

We were laughing as we held each piece in our hands like it was the Hope diamond or some ancient relic just discovered and said, “Do you bring me joy?” (Marie suggests you do that probably just not as obnoxious as us.) Which at first, you sound like a nut, but then when you start to really think about it makes total sense.

Pilled shirt with yellow pit stains? No joy.

Pants with bleach stain. No joy.

Button up shirt. Joy!- That’s a saver!

Jeans I haven’t worn in 4 years. No joy.

Together, we got rid of 10 trash bags full of clothes! We couldn’t believe the hoarder stage we were entering…Not really, but pretty close. Remember, a few posts back I told you about Nancy Ray and her Contentment Challenge. Are you doing it? I bought some new clothes…yes, but not like I usually do, so, I’m ever so gently moving into this contentment and I feel really good about it. After digging out of our clothes and donating a boatload of them, I am thankful.

I’m looking at different sections in my home as “zones.” Next up, is a closet where I hide all of the Christmas presents. The honey hole zone. I’m sure I’ll find some gifts that I forgot to give because it’s a disaster! I’ll share pics. I really promise I will.

I encourage you to look into the Marie Kondo method if you haven’t. Her book is very wordy, (go figure a wordy book, but you get it right?) You can also visit her blog here.

Her book makes sense. Nancy Ray’s Contentment Challenge makes sense. Respecting what we own and appreciating what we own. That’s the main voice ringing loud and clear to me.

Have a wonderful day friends!