How To Dig In With A Journal

Why wait? Do you like to journal? I really dug into journaling at the beginning of last summer and I’m hooked. I keep a journal for personal intentions and one for courses that I take on business and personal development.
My sister is quite impressive with her journaling. She’s been doing it for so many years. She can look back and tell me what she did on January 5, 2007. Like I said, I just got into it last summer.

Maybe you’re like me. I always had good intentions of keeping a journal, but I could never get into it. The blank pages would just stare at me and I would stare back. If you’ve ever had a staring contest with a piece of paper, the paper will win every single time!
How I Started Journaling. Spilling The Beans…Right Here
How did I get started? I started listening to business books on audible. (This is not an advertisement) I specifically began listening to John Maxwell. My all time top 5 inspirational business and personal development leaders. He started to say some things that really hit me in the gut and I loved them. Thoughts that I didn’t want to forget. So, I started. I cracked open my journal and I started writing down those quotes.
Those quotes led me to writing personal intentions that I set out to accomplish and knock off my goal list. I am going to be transparent here and share with you some of the items on my list.
My workshop is created and I’m helping others reach their goalsI will lose over 25 pounds and feed my body with nourishing foods and drink- The Contentment Challenge will be reached (still going)
And I have so many more…
Intuitive Journaling

Intuitive journaling is something that I love to do! I’m very aware of my situations and surroundings. I dig hard for my goals. I love the term “goal digging.” I know what I want and I take the steps to get there.
The journey to reaching my goals has not been pretty, or glamorous, and has taken years, but it’s worth it because I know what I’ve manifested and I have BIG DREAMS, Ya’ll! Yup, I said “Ya’ll” and I’m a hearty New Englander.

So how do you do it? You take a journal and start manifesting what you truly want. Use magazine clippings, stamps, drawings, art! Anything. You might even want to double dose yourself into watching The Secret to get the full idea of what I’m talking about when I say manifesting. Or, better yet, read the books by Bob Proctor. If you allow yourself to think with a positive mindset instead of a negative one, you’ll be well on your way!
So, take out those art supplies, scissors, glue, stacks of magazines. Whatever you need to get yourself going with your intuitive journaling.
We Should Hang Out!

And hey, do you want to create a calm space with elements in your home? Want to hang out? Perfect! Head on over to my workshops and sign-up to work with me at Birch Alley on May 30th! I’ll teach you this technique that has brought my goals to fruition and how I’ve used them with home décor too! Go for it…Click here.
Shop My Post:
- My Favorite Journal
- Washi Tape I Love
- A Fun BREATHE Journal To Get You Going
- My Man- Bob Proctor
- My Other Main Man- John Maxwell
- P.S.- My husband Dave is my true main man! That’s not a book…yet.