Homemade Bread With 4 Ingredients
This is the easiest bread baking recipe on the planet!
You can make it right in your oven and it only requires 3 ingredients.
It’s tasty, crispy, soft, and delicious and I make it all of the time. Plus there is nothing like fresh bread baking in your oven. The smell is always mouthwatering. My family always asks, “When are you going to bake that bread again?”
They especially like to eat it when it’s right from the oven. Steaming and butter melting into it. Is your mouth watering yet?
Let’s get baking!
Note: This bread recipe originally came from nestingwithgrace.com I have changed some ingredients, but want to give her the credit she deserves for sharing such a great recipe! It has now become a family staple in my home and I hope you pass it on for many years to come.
Gather the following:
8.5 ” loaf pan
Baker’s Joy, if you need to coat your baking pan
large spoon for mixing
wooden measuring spoons-I am partial to mine
fork for degassing dough after 24 hrs.
measuring cup
hand towel for wrapping bread
large bowl
plate to cover bowl
large glass baking bowl (My preference, but any type will do)
3 Cup Bread Flour or self-rising
1 C water at room temperature
1-1 1/2 Tbsp. fine Sea Salt – Your portion may vary depending on how salty you want your bread
1/4 tsp Rapid Rising Yeast
*Nuts, fruits, and other flavorings are optional
Begin by pouring 1 C of room temperature water into your bowl. Add yeast and salt into the water and stir gently for about 2 minutes.
Then, add your flour to the yeast, salt, and water mixture. Stir the dough. The dough should have a sticky consistency like below. If it’s too dry, add more water. Cover the bowl with a plate and let your dough rise for 24hr.
After rising, degas the dough by sticking a fork in it and pulling it a bit. Next, transfer the dough into your greased, or nonstick baking pan. I like to use Baker’s Joy in mine to grease it, even if it is a nonstick pan. Cover with foil and let it rise in the baking pan for 1 more hour.
Time to Bake
Warm your oven to 400 F. Bake for 30 minutes, or until slightly brown. Uncover and let bake for 10 more minutes, or until golden brown.
My family enjoys this bread with butter and preserves.
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