Moon Chatting

Episode 10: No, I haven’t gone bonkers. I started to pay attention to the phases of the moon and I have to tell you that it works. The moon has some good energy. Think of how strong it is. We have really big tides and the pull is amazing. So, if Native Americans and farmers have been using the moon phases for planting, harvesting, and reflection. I started to tune in and check in with my higher power, talk to those who have passed, and just set my intentions and reflect on things that I have accomplished.
Moon Intention Tips
- Find a quiet place
- Light a candle
- Gather some beach rocks, or crystals- I do it because they look so pretty and hey, good vibes only!
- Free your mind, take deep breaths
- Be specific on your intentions-Let them flow without judgement
- Write down your intentions, or just say them aloud
- Be thankful and grateful for your breaths.

Tune In
I chat more about this on my podcast here. But, you can start to pay attention by downloading the app called My Moon Phase. {I am not affiliated with app.} This app will give you the cycle times, photography tips for the Golden Hour and the Blue Hour. Also, it will provide you with the moon distance, age, altitude, and zodiac.