For the Love of Roses
I have developed a new found passion for roses. Last summer, I decided to plant three different types of rose bushes. I decided on Perfume Breeze, which are petit pink climbing roses, Julie Andrews Hybrid Tea Roses, and a simple fragrant pink rose, which I can’t think of the name at the moment. Truthfully, I was worried about Japanese Beetles and rot. I planted them once before, about 18 years ago. I had plants full of those pesky beetles and they didn’t keep well. But, I decided to try again. Today, I added another rose to the gang of now 6 roses. This one is called “Peach Knockout.” It smells A M A Z I N G!
What’s Different This Time ‘Round
Well, this time, I’m at a different house, so I think the conditions play a huge part. I planted them in really nice peat moss, that’s been here for years and years and years. I swear the dirt here is like gold! My plants love it! While digging each hole for the roses, I put in Rose Gold Organic fertilizer. It doesn’t smell great, but the rose bushes have tripled in size this year! Also, I clipped them in the early spring and last summer, I continued to clip them after they flowered. This allowed the rose to produce more growth and I didn’t allow them to grow wild. I live in Massachusetts and because we get some pretty cold temps, I covered the roots with mulch.
Am I Addicted to Roses?
You bet! I’m learning as I go! I’ve only bought Proven Winners and have made sure that the label reads “hardy”, which lean towards the easier side to take care of. But, with saying that, they still need tending. I love getting lost and just start clipping away. The fragrance of the roses in the gardens is intoxicating, and I am in love with all of them. The downside is the thorns that I have scratches from up and down my arms. I’ll take that for the beauty that each flower provides is simply beautiful and poetic to me.
Three Uses For Rose Petals
Roses don’t have to be thrown overboard as soon as they have bloomed. In fact, you can use the petals for many things. I am going to give you three beneficial ways to use rose petals that you will love!
Please use your rose petals as you know they are clean
- Use your petals as a dead skin remover: It’s true! Did you know that rose petals are full of vitamin A? The vitamin A works efficiently as an exfoliant and removes the dead skin. Make a rose petal scrub by adding a scoop or two of Epsom salt, or sugar and mix with your rose petals. Rub on your skin and it will leave them feeling smooth. You can also use your scrub as a facial scrub. Rose petals are good for closing your pores and reducing acne.
- Dry your rose petals in your kitchen. Crush your petals and make a rose petal tea by infusing your petals in hot water. The tea will be dark in color. Sip on this tea and enjoy as it’s been researched to be full of antioxidants.
- Sprinkle your rose petals into your bath to make a full body rose petal bath tea, or add them to your favorite soap mixture and enjoy making your own rose petal soap.
I hope this post inspired you to plant some roses and enjoy the many beautiful. wellness benefits of the flora!