Creating A Garden Room

Creating a garden room is something that we love to do here at Breezy Green Home. We started off here at the pump house. The pump house was just that, an old pump house that was put here on the property back in the 1960s. Inside, is the old irrigation pump that no longer works. I began by painting it a bright white with black exterior. It does have a roof on it, which is not in the best shape. For now, the pump house is standing, but we do have some rot. Eventually, it will have to be replaced.
This video will show the space and I’ve included my vegetable garden.
The flower beds are very rough at the moment. That means they have no edging. This is the first stage of creating a garden room, which begins with dropping compost and building up the beds. Then, my husband replanted some of our perennials. It’s not the best time to replant seeing that it’s July.
This is the beginning of creating a garden room. We will continue to build up the beds, put up the granite benches and edge the beds. The grass inside the room will also reseed. Yes, we do have weeds and the grass is not perfect, which we are not that picky about.